Extracting codeine from panadine

Frequent mouth / throat ulcers
IBS, or something more? - Online Support.
Key Points; Anabolic agents and selected hormones; Tryptamines; Anaethetics; Pharmaceauticals; Analogues and other synthetic drugs; National Impact; References
Buy Panadeine Plus Give me some pseudoephedrine geez!!.
IBS, or something more?: I just wanted to get some conversation started on this issue. Mine is a long story. I was diagnosed with IBS in March 2007 after
: messages in this subject My 6yr old has arthritis and frequently suffers from mouth ulcers and more recently throat ulcers.
Give me some pseudoephedrine geez!!.
The chemist lady must think I am a drugo. I went there this afternoon and asked for Sudafed Original, then Codral Original. Both a no go and had to settle for t
Extracting codeine from panadine
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Extracting codeine from panadine
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